Sight Loss Awareness and Guide Running workshop

Guide runner with a running group

The Sight Loss Awareness and Guide Running workshop enables Leaders, Coaches and volunteers to attract and support more blind and partially sighted people in athletics and running.

Thank you for your interest in our 2024 Sight Loss Awareness and Guide Running courses. All the courses are now live and can be booked via Athletics Hub.

Please note that we organise Sight Loss Awareness and Guide Running courses in areas where there is a demand for more guide runners on the Find a Guide database, and where there is interest from visually impaired runners. Unfortunately, due to limited resources, we cannot organise workshops on demand. This means that in some areas where workshops have already taken place, and there are lots of people on the Find a Guide Database, we may not organise any further workshops until there is more demand from visually impaired runners.


  • Information on types of visual impairment and common sight loss conditions
  • Appropriate terminology and behaviour
  • Making sessions blind and partially sighted participant friendly
  • Guide running top tips, safety
  • Guide running practical sessions
  • Further support and resources


  • Effectively guide blind and partially sighted runners
  • Provide training sessions that are enjoyable and accessible for blind and partially sighted runners
  • Awareness of where and how to access further support and information


Aged 18+


2 hours

On completion of the course:

In order to receive your licence, you will need to complete the Mandatory Safeguarding & First Aid training (Tier 1). You'll be sent details how to book this with your guide running booking confirmation email.

Expressions of interest will reopen in September 2024.

Thank you for your interest in our 2024 Sight Loss Awareness and Guide Running courses. We have received all the expressions of interest and are now in the process of organising these courses. We hope to make them available in April or as soon as possible. Please keep an eye on Athletics Hub for the courses going live. We appreciate your patience with this.

Please note that we organise Sight Loss Awareness and Guide Running courses in areas where there is a demand for more guide runners on the Find a Guide database, and where there is interest from visually impaired runners. Unfortunately, due to limited resources, we cannot organise workshops on demand. This means that in some areas where workshops have already taken place, and there are lots of people on the Find a Guide Database, we may not organise any further workshops until there is more demand from visually impaired runners.

Our Expression of Interest form will reopen in September 2024 for our Sight Loss Awareness and Guide Running courses in 2025.

Safeguarding information

Book on to a Sight Loss Awareness and Guide Running workshop

Book on to a workshop near you through Athletics Hub.