Our Vision

Welcome to
England Athletics

We are the membership and development body for grassroots athletics and running in England. Together with our network of 1800 affiliated clubs and member bodies, we are enabling athletes and runners of all abilities and backgrounds to fulfill their potential.

We are proud to be part of a sport which is diverse and inclusive to all whether you are a participant, a coach, an official, a volunteer or a spectator – everyone is welcome to get involved, experience something new and achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Want to become part of the athletics and running community? Find your closest athletics or running club today or take the first step on your coaching and officiating journey today.

RUN EA Logo_White

Everything you need to enhance your running journey

  • Exclusive access to advice from EA runners & coaches
  • Connection to a supportive community of like-minded runners
  • Discounted entry to running events
  • Icon of running shoe
    Offers and benefits from top brands and training apps
Just £30/year (£2.50/month)

Designed for runners and athletes over 18, who are not part of a club.

Find a running event

Discover your next race through RunEvents - our home for licensed, safe, organised road and multi-terrain events throughout England.

Club Finder

Find an athletics or running club

Looking for a local club or group to run with? Some extra motivation? Find your people with the England Athletics Club Finder.


Join the conversation

England Athletics in 2024

Icon of verification tick mark
Affiliated clubs and organisations
Icon of running vest
Registered club athletes and runners
Icon of whistle
Licensed coaches and leaders
Icon of stopwatch
Licensed officials
Icon of running shoe
Licensed road races
Icon of runner
Regular running participants
Icon of group of people
RunTogether groups
Icon of runners
RunTogether active runners
Line chart icon
Net Promoter Score